Selasa, 29 Agustus 2017

Computers and Children - Smart Parents Get Involved With Their Kids

Today's world of computers and flashy technology can form a communication barrier between parents and their children when mishandled. This next generation has a very unique perspective on the internet age; they have had access to the largest source of entertainment known to man for their entire lives. They build relationships, play games, socialize, learn, and everything else they can care to do on the computer. In a world where interaction between real people seems to be dwindling away, how are parents supposed to connect with their computer-bound kids? Like they always say: if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

There is a whole slew of enriching activities available that are easy for both parents and children to use online. A near-infinite amount of games have been created to teach children everything from their ABC's to sign language. Parents should take advantage of these educational opportunities when they use the computer with their children. Time spent appropriately on the computer supports a child's cognitive development, but you should keep them a decent distance away from the screen. Monitored and supervised use of the computer can result in positive learning experiences, particularly for younger children. The best part is that kids don't even know they're being educated, they see it as entertainment. Our generation happily spent hours playing Hooked on Phonics, so you can only imagine how fun educational games can be with vastly improved graphics and design.

There is no doubt that the younger generation would rather spend time in front of a screen than a page, so any digital resource that will get them to embrace learning is welcome. An innovative way of doing this is through eBooks. An eBook is a digital volume of any sort including novels, magazines, textbooks, comics, and most importantly to us, children's books. A children's book presented as an eBook is a really unique and convenient way of bonding with a child because it combines the wonderful imaginative stimulation of a storybook with the fun and entertainment of technology. An added bonus is the convenience an eBooks offers; they are available all over the internet and can be immediately accessed. Keeping a child's attention is much easier when you bring something that they are already excited about into play.

Before you open a new tab and start browsing around for eBooks and games, it is very important that internet safety measures get put into place before your child has access to the computer. The first step towards protecting your children from what's out there is involving yourself in their computer habits, be conscious of what they are doing and check up on them often. Believe it or not, this is actually a very appropriate time for a lesson in honesty. Educate your children about the nature of the internet, most people who chat with your kids lie about who they are because they can't be seen. Tell them that there's no reason to lie if there isn't anything to hide, so nobody on the internet can truly be trusted. If you don't know them personally, no chatting. It is highly recommended that you put parental controls in place. You can implement restrictions on the web browser that keeps your children away from inappropriate sites as well as limit the amount of time they can spend on the computer before it turns off.

Once a safe and secure environment has been established, the fun can begin. Don't limit yourself to games and eBooks; there are countless ways of interacting with your children in a positive way through the use of computers. Get creative with digital story programs, connect with social media, and pursue your child's interests. Now pat yourself on the back for being a tech-savvy parent!

Rabu, 09 Agustus 2017

Discontinued Computers and Accessories - The Key to Surviving a Weak Economy

Your business needs IT equipment to function, but you also need to save money in today's tough economy. Discontinued computers and accessories can help you carry out IT upgrades for less.

The discontinued computers and accessories market is based on two key concepts - platform maintenance and appropriate technology. These concepts are especially important in times of economic retrenchment.

Platform maintenance is the idea of keeping your existing equipment longer, even if it is discontinued by the manufacturer. By extending the life of your existing systems, you can reduce or eliminate the costs for new equipment.

The concept of appropriate technology is based on a single idea - most users do not need brand new equipment to perform their work. Instead of buying the latest upgrade, you can wait until the product has matured and the price starts to drop. You can even wait until a product has been discontinued. You can still get a top-notch machine, but you'll get it at a fraction of the price. And there is no need to worry about buying something that has been taken off the market. Many manufacturers support their equipment for a period of time after it has been discontinued. Some, like IBM, Lenovo and Toshiba, have arrangements with secondary market vendors to sell their discontinued parts and equipment.

Here are just a few examples of how you can use discontinued computers and accessories to extend the life of your current IT infrastructure.

Buy new after a product is removed from the market. According to some estimates, you could save upwards of 60% on the cost of a new computer if you buy later in the product's life cycle. Considering that most hardware manufacturers turn over equipment every six to nine months, buying between nine months and a year after a computer's initial launch can save you a bundle.

Search the secondary market for discontinued computers and accessories. You are bound to find the parts you are looking for to upgrade your current hardware. Even in good economic times it makes little sense to get rid of a computer or server just because it is a little older. A memory or hard drive upgrade may be all it takes to boost the machine's performance.

Buying discontinued computers allows you to expand your current hardware base and keep your existing platform for longer. Add to your network with a compatible, discontinued server instead of having to perform a costly upgrade.

Improvise! Resourceful IT people can work wonders with the right parts and accessories. Sellers of discontinued parts offer a veritable treasure trove for the techies in your office.

Saving money in your IT budget is easier than you think. When you need to upgrade or expand, don't shop new. Start with discontinued computers and accessories and see how far a little cash can go.